Friday, 11 February 2011

Market Research/Target Audience

In order to address our audience in the best way, we needed to do some hands on research, interviewing the general public on their thoughts about Coffee.
From this we needed to infer what audience we were going to be addressing i.e. age group, more male or female etc. This was important to us, so that when we were planning our advert, we knew what would appeal and what wouldn’t to our audience.

This video is of my group interviewing members of the public, we asked over 25 people in and around the area, but here is a shortened down clip of some of the people we asked.

From this research we gathered that Coffee as a product has a surprisingly varied audience, we can infer that it appeals to a wide variety of age groups and people. Also that people enjoy Coffee for its taste, but mainly because of its benefits, acting as a stimulant.
We found that adverts do sway people when they go to buy, even if they have stuck with one brand for a while, if they see an appealing new advert on television they may choose to differ, which is what we wanted to hear, as our ‘fake’ product is going to be new on the market. Another analysis to make is that in the advert people like humour, it makes it more memorable and entertaining. Luckily for us form the start we have been planning to make our advert comical so this was pleasing to hear.
This research has been a big stride towards us developing our ideas for our advert. We now know what the audience like in an advert especially in a coffee ad, so all we need to do now is start planning and making.

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